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Chizu Con Cosplay Contest 2024

All entrants must be registered attendees of Chizu Con.

Judging Hours: 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Panel Room 2

Mandatory Contest Orientation: 2:15 p.m. in Panel Room 2


Contest Start Time: 3 p.m. in Panel Room 1



  • Beginner (0-1 major craftsmanship awards): If you have never competed before or have only competed a few times, this is the category for you.

  • Advanced (2 or more major craftsmanship awards or gains income through crafting via paid profession or commissions): Advanced competitors have experience in competition and have recorded a few wins. Currently at Chizu Con, Journeyman/Intermediate and Masters competitors both fall into the Advanced category.

  • Runway Only: Chizu’s competitive opportunity for costumes that do not reach the 50% made threshold. Runway category contestants will be judged on their in-character stage presence and audience response. This category is a great option for cosplayers who want to compete but aren't in a position to craft an entire costume. Costumes that are 50% handmade or more are not eligible for a runway presentation award.

When determining entry level, Chizu Con defines a major award as First In Category (i.e. 1st Place Beginner) or Best In Show. At this time, since Chizu Con does not offer performance awards, the contest only takes craftsmanship awards into consideration. Contestants whose competition history consists of multiple major performance awards are encouraged to contact the cosplay contest department at to discuss which craftsmanship category will best suit them.

Note: Chizu Con’s judges may move a contestant up a level if they feel a contestant’s work is better suited to a higher category.

Group Entries: Due to space limitations at our venue, Chizu Con’s contest can only accommodate single person entries at this time.



  • Chizu’s Choice - Chizu’s special recognition award presented by our con chair!

  • Best Runway Presentation  

  • 1st and 2nd Place Beginner

  • 1st and 2nd Place Advanced


Craftsmanship Rules: 

  • In order to be eligible for a craftsmanship award, Chizu Con requires a minimum 50% of a cosplay be made or modified by the contestant. Modification of an item is defined as significant transformative reworking, i.e. dyeing, painting, removing sleeves, or reshaping a neckline. Lengthening or shortening a hem is not considered significant enough work to qualify as transformative modification. 

    • If a contestant is modeling a costume made by another crafter, the maker must be present during judging in order to be eligible for an award.

    • Only one costume may be entered per person.

  • Contestants are strongly encouraged to bring a picture of their character for the judges to reference. Printed references are preferred, but may also be presented on a tablet or phone screen.

  • Contestants are also strongly encouraged to bring progress photos of their crafting process, both as proof of work and to show off fabrication methods or details that can’t easily be seen.


Entrants under the age of 18 must have a guardian sign off on their participation in the cosplay contest. Entrants 12 and under must have a guardian present during judging, orientation, and the contest.


Contestants may bring one handler/support person into judging with them.


Contestants who require accommodations for disability/mobility concerns are encouraged to reach out to Chizu Con staff at prior to the event so that staff may make plans to ensure accessibility for all contestants. At this time, Chizu Con's contest takes place on a level floor that does not require contestants to use stairs or ramps.


Custom Audio: 

Due to venue related logistics, Chizu Con is unable to accept custom audio at this time.


Sign Ups and Check In: 

Chizu Con is offering both online and in person registration in 2024. All contestants must check in at the cosplay contest desk prior to pre-judging to confirm their entry information. Craftsmanship contestants will be prompted to choose a time slot in which to be judged. Contestants should arrive at the judging room a few minutes before their time begins. Craftsmanship contestants who do not attend their pre-judging time will be disqualified. Runway only entrants will not need to attend pre-judging.



Orientation is mandatory for all contestants. At orientation contestants will be given instructions for crossing the stage, lined up in their walking order, and their names and introductory script will be confirmed.

Contestants who do not attend orientation will be disqualified.


Code of Conduct: 

  • Entries may not contain offensive religious, political, or social content, including but not limited to: racism (including ‘racefacing’, i.e. blackface), homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, ageism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, sexual or domestic violence, or joking references to historical tragedies. Use your common sense, if you think it might be offensive, it probably is.

  • Weapon props must be peace marked and not pointed directly at the audience.

  • No throwing things into the audience or across the stage. If it walked in with you, it must walk out with you.

  • No nudity, entries must provide at least “bikini coverage”, regardless of gender.

  • No loose glitter.

  • For the safety of contestants, the audience, and the venue, no pyrotechnics, smoke bombs, flashbangs, or similar special effects permitted.

  • No live animals are allowed as costume props. Service animals are welcome.

  • Real food may not be used as either a prop or costume element.


Costume Reuse/Sandbagging Rules:

  •  Costumes that have won a major craftsmanship award (i.e., 1st place in category) at an event the same size or smaller than Chizu Con may be entered in a higher category if significant alterations (defined as at least 25% of elements changed or updated) have been made. If no higher category is appropriate for the costume (i.e., won Best Journeyman and no specified Masters category is available at Chizu Con), costume will be considered ineligible for entry at Chizu Con until such time as an appropriate category is added. 

    • At this time, this means costumes that have previously won Best Beginner awards at smaller or equal sized conventions may be re-entered in the Advanced category provided an acceptable level of alteration has been done. To help ensure fair sportsmanship, documentation of the previous award, the name of the event at which it was received, and documentation of alterations (completed or planned) is required at time of registration in order to be eligible for an award at Chizu Con. Contestants found to be in willful violation of this rule will be disqualified and barred from entering future Chizu Con cosplay contests.

      • If alterations have not been completed at time of pre-registration, documentation of finished alterations will be requested at time of check in. If alterations have not been completed by the date of the contest, entry will not be eligible for an award.



  • Contestants found to be behaving in an unsportsmanlike fashion towards other contestants, venue staff, convention staff, or judges during or after the contest will be disqualified and barred from entering Chizu Con’s cosplay contest in the future. Unsportsmanlike behavior includes but is not limited to: Bullying, harassment, intentionally damaging property, badmouthing or insulting fellow competitors or judges, disrespectful language, and violent or threatening behavior.



  • Cheating in order to win a costume contest is an extremely silly life choice worthy of derision. If concrete and verifiable evidence of cheating (i.e., screenshots of social media posts, video) is presented to Chizu Con staff and cheating accusations are determined after investigation to be accurate, the culprit(s) will be banned from competing at all future Chizu Con contests.


Contestants should note that by entering Chizu Con’s contest they are agreeing to allow Chizu Con to use photos or video of them for promotional purposes.


Judges at Chizu Con’s cosplay contest are selected based on their experience, crafting and interpersonal skills, and professionalism. If concerns arise regarding the actions, decisions, or qualifications of Chizu Con judges, competitors are expected to approach Chizu Con staff at  for investigation and resolution of issues.


Exceptions to these rules can be made at the discretion of Cosplay Contest Staff.


Contest MC: Sakura Sunset

Sakura Sunset

2024 Judges

Elle is one half of the entertainment duo known as La Vie Cosplay. For 25 years, Elle has been in the convention scene as a cosplayer, producer, performer, and competitor. They have multiple awards to their name including the US representatives for ICL 2022. Elle specializes in sewing, wigs, and detail work. Large,yet safe, wigs and FX techniques are their current obsessions. They are best known for their programming, performances and hosting at conventions around the country including C2E2, Colossalcon North, and AMKE. Together with Ash, Elle hosts Shenanigans Cosplayers Say, a comedy cosplay podcast covering their neurodivergent adventures in con-going and creating. The podcast covers subjects such as mental health, competitions, and convention chaos. LVC’s mission is to support the new generation, not take themselves too seriously, and put the “play” back in cosplay.


Photog Credits:

Harley - The Portrait dude

Zen and podcast - Kathryn Lynn Photography

Things Cosplayers Say
Things Cosplayers Say

Elle - La Vie Cosplay

LollipopChan has been a part of the cosplay community since 2010, letting her inner weeaboo dominate through her creations. Not only does she have multiple competition awards under her belt, she has also been a judge at numerous midwestern cons the last few years. LollipopChan's specialty making armor and props, although her love for sewing is getting stronger with each project. Through the years, she has slowly dulled the feeling in her fingers with hot glue, heat guns, and Worbla. LollipopChan loves to see other creators doing what they love and encourages everyone to do their best. She is most commonly found hiding in her home covered in glitter, foam dust, and cat hair.



Ecnoftw_Cosplay is an Anoka EVA foam armor and prop smith who secretly loves to torture themselves with very tedious and repetitive details. He’s been cosplaying since 2016, competing since 2017, and has won a handful of awards along the way, including Best In Show at Colossalcon North 2022. Some of the best moments of his costume career was meeting and making friends through years of competing, some of which he can call lifelong friends. Outside of cosplay, he is usually gaming the nights away, exploring the outdoors, having a blast at drag shows, and hanging out with family and friends.

cosplay judge chizu con
cosplay judge chizu con


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