applications open Feb. 2nd - May 3RD
Please read the updated policy for our Featured Photographers before applying.
There are new changes for Chizu and it is important to us that this communication is received.
Thank you!
Chizu Con 2025
Featured Photographers Rules & Guidelines
Failure to follow the guidelines stated on this page may result in removal from future applications.​​
Chizu Con 2025 is open to attendees from 10am-10pm September 13th at the Goodman Center Ironworks and Brassworks.
Approved Applicants agree to offer free and/or discounted photoshoots to Chizu Con attendees with badges for 2025.
Proxy/Agented, "sublets", swaps or sharing of photoshoot bookings must be approved by Chizu Con before July 26th. If you cannot attend, provide contact to a Photographer that is equivalent or similar to your own work. Providing an equivalent will help Chizu maintain a mixed atmosphere. No Shows will not be considered for future events.
Approval includes a VIP Badge, a compt meal, hotel room (shared), and access to the staff/VIP area ( Mezzanine above Registration).
Photo themes must align with Chizu Con's family friendly atmosphere. Adult themed or potentially dangerous items such as boudoir, alcohol, flame displays, etc., are prohibited from the event property. All photoshoot operations must follow state and federal laws.
Live metals and realistic weaponry, such as steel swords and military gear, are not allowed at the Goodman Center. Fantasy gear and foam are welcome.
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Due to limited staffing available for correspondence, only approved and waitlisted applicants will receive email communications. Applications submitted after the closing date will not be considered.