Armor and Props 101
- Join local cosplayer Lollipop Chan for a quick intro class on materials, pattern making, and safety when making your own creations.
Ask Iida Anything
- Iida from My Hero Academia answers your questions.
Comprehensive Overview of Cosplay Culture
- A breakdown of cosplay culture, forms of cosplay, and other aspects of cosplay.
Con Mom 101
- How to take care of your con kids, how to take care of yourself, and how to be the best con mom you can be.
Cosplay Makeup: Tips and Tricks!
- An overview of beginner/intermediate makeup tips for cosplayers. Things such as how to be sure your makeup reads well on camera, gender bending, and general application.
Cosplay on a Budget
- No sewing machine? No foam smithing equipment? No money, time, or talent? No problem! Learn tips and tricks for creating cosplays and props that look awesome with minimal investment.
Cosplay Positivity 101
- Join Misty Hearts Cosplay as she teaches you how a little cosplay positivity can go a long way.
DnD and You: How to be a New Player
- Teaching people how to be a new player in all tabletops, as well as the early days of GMing.
Fanfiction Round Table
- Real life fanfiction scholar and teacher hosts discussion about your deep dark questions of the internet’s most popular and complex genre.
Gettin' Wiggy With It!
- Join Sakura Sunset and go over the basics of starting wig styling. We'll also cover where to buy wigs, what equipment and tools needed, basic styling techniques, and more!
Photoshoots and Posing
- Are you a cosplayer looking to book a photoshoot for the first time? Maybe you're a seasoned pro who wants some extra posing tips? Whatever your experience level, this panel is for you! Mahou Maddie Photography will cover the basics of booking a shoot and prepping for the camera, as well as best posing practices during a shoot!
Prop Painting
- Prop painting is an invaluable skill that that can make virtually turn any prop from just ok, to awesome! At this panel, join Flynn Props in discussing and demonstrating all the various skills and techniques used to take a prop to the next level.
The Game Grumps 10 Minute Power Hour Hour!
- Nix of Carrion Cosplay and Amy of Dueling Pisces are Arin Hanson and Leigh Daniel Avidan in this panel where the magic happens, because You Demanded It! (tm) Every 10 minutes, the two grumpiest gamers will swap between dollar store board games, play dough sculptures, nearly anything two crazy cats can think of. Audience participation extremely possible, you've been warned!
When the Show Starts
- Competing for everyone! From first time competitors, to seasoned pros in competition circuits. This panel will be covering everything from character choices, all the way to judging and hitting the stage! Our goal is to help people feel more comfortable with competing.